The concert, in Lausanne

We lived a magic moment, full of emotions! It was a delight to listen to the group Tamatakia on November 3, 2012 at the chapel du Valentin in Lausanne.
Thanks to Tamatakia’s great musicians (Photo below, from left to right : Mrs Christine Niggler, Anne Thérèse Bieri, Noëlle Reymond and Tina Strinning).
A special thanks to Pastor Pierre Bertololy and to the Methodist Church of Lausanne to lend us the chapel.
And to our volunteers who gave us a hand that night for the concert, in particular to Jessica Dehler, Willy Oberhänsli, Yvan Parasole, Angela Recchia, and Valéry Zanolari, without naming the whole team.
Thanks to friends and to members of the association who spent time on the stands in November and December 2012, to carry out the important mission to raise funds for the baskets. (Photo on left: Valéry Zanolari handing out flyers on a stand; below to the left: Vincent Roulin and Bety Zuodar; in the middle: a sponsor who is registering her e-mail address; and to the right: Jean-Paul Roulin).

“Nothing happens unless first we dream”
Carl Sandburg
Ecuador, December 2012. This year we started the project in Guayaquil, named “Pearl of the Pacific”, which is also the economic capital of the country. It has a very important commercial harbour and four million inhabitants. The city is at the same time modern and colonial, what gives her a certain charm.
In Guayaquil the weather is hot… and wet.
Having found the place for the distribution of the baskets -this year it will be in the headquarters of the police forces, in Guayaquil- we spread in two teams in the suburbs to go distribute tickets to people living in deep poverty and invite them to come to look for their Christmas basket the day of distribution.
1 yellow ticket = 1 basket;
1 red ticket = 1 teddy;
The preparation, in the headquarters of the police
Our thanks to General Patricio Pazmiño Castillo, commander of the police forces of the district of Guayaquil, for his logistic support and to have given to the association the authorization to use the inner courtyard of the headquarters for the distribution.

That day, the boys of the navy academy gave us a good help for all the preparation. Thanks to the group and to Captain José Luis Troya Andrade, commander of the Navy base of the North.
December 24, 2012 the distribution

We began with a distribution of cuddly toys that Santa Klaus had brought from far away in his heavy sack. Santa offered some hundred and twenty teddies and made the big happiness of the children of Guayaquil.
Thanks to every children and also to the grown-up who had in the heart to offer their teddies to the association, in particular to Élisa Lanternier and to Rose Hennard who contributed widely to fill Santa’s sack this year. It was great!
Thanks to Ruth Zorrilla and Mario Mena for the music and the animation and to the brass band of the police.
We continued by the distribution of two hundred and fifty baskets.
December 27 and 28, La Libertad
La Libertad is the most populated city of Santa Elena‘s province, situated by the sea, at two and a half hours from Guayaquil on the road to Salinas.
We went into the sensitive districts of la Libertad to invite hundred and fifty families to come to look for their Christmas basket the day after, on December 28th, 2012, to our host Church of the day: “la Virgen del Cisne”, who welcomed the event.
La Virgen del Cisne  |
Once more, we had the priviledge and the honor to count on soldiers to help us… and they did an amazing job!
Thanks to the military of “la Libertad” and to Colonel René Marcelo Buitron, commander of the battalion of motorized infantry 14 Marañon.
The children made a craft of their own with joy and creativity! (Photo up left).
Thanks to Nancy Saltos, Antonietta Sardinha, Scarlett, mother Christmas (Béatrice Roulin), Santa Klaus (Jean-Paul Roulin) and Ruth Zorrilla for their great job. (On the photo, from the fourth position to the right)
In total we offered four hundred baskets for Christmas, in December 2012 (250 in Guayaquil and 150 in la Libertad).

THANKS to everyone who made this possible !
… and rendez-vous in December 2013 ! |
Useful links :
Un panier pour Noël on Youtube :
DaPrint printing in Orbe :
Accountants BMT in Échandens :
for more information on the association :
Tamatakia :
Accountants Cofirev in Bière :
AgenceWeb (web solution, referencing, web marketing, and more) :