The history of the association


In December 2021, in the city of Esmeraldas we distributed 650 baskets, many children received a stuffed teddy bear given to them by children from Switzerland, we also visited Puerto Limón and delivered baskets to some wonderful families, we also, delivered them in the streets of Atacames and Quito.


In 2020 the adventure continues!



In December 2019 we distribute 750 Christmas baskets, including 650 in Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas and then 100 in the streets of Quito, to the poorest and more than 600 teddies to children!

“Some people wait for happiness to come knocking at their door; I leave the door open.”

Jacques Salomé



In 2017 we celebrate the ten years anniversary of association ! In 10 years, more than 54 tons of food have been distributed for the Christmas baskets in 12 cities of Ecuador. In 10 years, more than 13’000 people from poor neighborhoods, living very often in conditions of extreme precariousness, were invited to the Christmas parties organized by the association. In 10 years, more than a thousand teddies have been distributed to the children. In 10 years, more than 500 volunteers participated in the various activities of the association. In 10 years, more than 9’000 e-mails were sent, for newsletters, activity reports, to find volunteers and sponsors.



On December 24th, 2016, we organize the distribution of baskets on the island of Muisne, in the coastal zone strongly affected by the earthquake in April 2016. The baskets contain : 2Kg of rice, 1Kg of salt, 1Kg of sugar, 500g of condiments, 400g of pasta, 1 can of peas, ½ l of oil, 1.6l of soda, 100g of ketchup, a 25g bag of coffee, a 420g panettone and a $ 6 card for the purchase of a chicken. On December 25th we are expected in Santo domingo de los Tsachillas for a second Christmas party. In all we distribute 550 Christmas baskets and nearly 350 teddies.
One coup de pouce allow to equip the fifty-one beds of the EMS Santa Ana y San Joaquin in Santo Domingo with waterproof sheets to replace the old pieces of rubber placed on the mattresses in order to protect them.



On December 27, 2015 we received nearly two thousand guests at Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII, in the town of Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas for a big Christmas party! The most disadvantaged families of the suburbs, the Ciudad Nueva, Carlos Ruiz Borneo, Cristo Vive, Plan de Vivienda, urb. Sta Rosa, coop.Padre Familia, coop. Ideal, urb. Zambrano, urb. Porton del Rio, Mercado Central, Toachi, El Camal and Terminal Terrestre were invited. 700 Christmas baskets and around 200 teddies were distributed that day, in a great moment of sharing and emotion. A few days later, 50 baskets and 30 teddies were distributed in the small village of Costa Azul, reaching a total of 750 baskets.
For the « coups de pouce », Angelica from Salinas received a custom-built mobile kitchen for her needs, while Luis saw himself finish a room for his use in the retirement home « Santa Ana and San Joaquin » in Sto-Domingo. An immeasurable thank you to donors and volunteers who support this project with all their heart for years!



For Christmas 2014 we have the great pleasure to distribute 700 baskets to families living in deep poverty in the cities of Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas and Montecristi. Two hundred baskets at the “Casa de Retiro Juan 23” in the city of Santo Domingo on December 21 and five hundred in the Basilic Monserrat of Montecristi in Manabi province on December 26, 2014. This is an extraordinary moment with songs, a play, Santa Claus who distributes teadies to children and adults who receive their Christmas basket. A nice Christmas! Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors and many donors who made this possible!
For the “coups de pouce”, a family in Quito receives a sewing machine and materials to manufacture a homemade model of protective masks. Luis Castrillón meanwhile receives a daily food aid. Luis is 93 years old and he lived the last 15 years of his life in extreme poverty.



In December 2013, we have the chance to distribute 600 baskets, the first half in Quito on December 22, and the other half in Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas four days later; Moreover, we offer 780 toys to children present at these two sites (224 teddies brought from Switzerland, 500 small balloons purchased locally and 60 small cushions manufactured and delivered by a local sponsor in Ecuador). It was beautiful! For “coups de pouce” we make two additional tricycles and a mobile kitchen, and then we buy a sewing machine for successful candidates who will be enjoying their new tool.



We share in December 2012 a total of 400 baskets with disadvantaged families in Ecuador, including 250 in Guayaquil, Pearl of the Pacific, on Dec. 24 and more than 120 soft toys for children on the same day; Then 150 baskets in La Libertad, a small coastal town in the province of Santa Elena, 28 December 2012.
The “coups de pouce”: we build a mobile kitchen and then we buy school uniforms and products for mini-tienda.



At Christmas 2011 we distribute 400 baskets mostly on December 24 to Cristo Rey Cathedral of Esmeraldas. In addition, we materialize 7 “coups de pouce”, a tricycle, a mobile kitchen, a sewing machine, diploma fees for 7 students, a suitcase with a tripod and a stool, teddies and windbreakers for college students, and assistance for senior citizen.



In December 2010, we offer 370 baskets and carry three “coups de pouce”: a school uniform, a diploma fee and we build a house for a senior citizen. It was simply amazing!



22 and December 25, 2009, we distribute 60 baskets in the streets of Quito and Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas. On 23 December 2009, 300 baskets to families of neighborhoods “Luz del Día”, “The Voluntad de Dios”, “El Paraíso”, “Santa Martha, sector 5”, “The Che Guevara”, “Juan Eulogio” and “Chiguilpe” in the city of Santo Domingo. December 24, 2009, we offer 140 baskets and more than 100 toys in the small village of Quininde in the province of Esmeraldas. We carry a “coup de pouce” in aid to a senior citizen.



In December 2008 we offer 350 baskets. For “coups de pouce”: economic assistance to a senior citizen, the purchase of essential equipment for a senior citizen, the purchase of equipment for a shoemaker, buying a pig fattening, guinea pigs for breeding and a tricycle.



The Association UN PANIER POUR NOËL is created in August 2007, and thanks to our sponsors we offer 200 baskets and rejoice as many families that year. Besides the first “coups de pouce” are: an assistance to a senior citizen and a small restaurant.



In 2006, the first sponsorship allows us to make 116 baskets. It was great!



In 2004, we carry 50 baskets. This year, the Sims family came to Ecuador to participate in the project and make humanitarian holidays.



“Un panier pour Noël” starts in 2002 as a family project.


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