novembre 2014

Newsletter November 2014

The year  2014 is marked by a first succesful edition of the Charity Dinner of the Association. It had place on August 23rd at Oulens-sous-Echallens. Thanks to the authorities of the village to have lent us the Big Salle on this occasion.

It is a good moment of sharing and firendships around copious “Fritada” Ecuadorian Typical Dish with pig. Some seventy dinner guest were there to celebrate the event. 

See the photos of the meal »
Together for Ecuador
The next concert of the de Association will take place on Sunday, November 30th, 2014 in the  Temple of Morges, at 6 p.m.
The sisters Porret, the winners in the emission of the RTS “un air de famille” will be in on this as well as their opponents of game and second of the edition 2014, the Guérin family! Not to mention the talented ministrings of the Conservatory of Lausanne managed by Tina Strinning and finally with the young budding pianist Abigaël Roulin. You do not want to miss that!  
See the flyer of the Concert »

Partner and sponsors links :
Café des Tramways
La Nonna
Cinéma de Cossonay
DJ Stefarno
Image pour vous
Le Cadratin
Imprimerie Ré
Fiduciaire BMT
Fiduciaire CoFiRev
Agenceweb SA
Journal de Morges
La Côte

Info “coups de pouce”
The “coups de pouce” constitute the sustainable development program of the Association. They act on the causes of the poverty, the crime and the emigration by offering to disadvantaged families a working tool. You can also help a family to go out of the poverty by sponsoring a tool: for exemple a delivery tricycle costs approcimately CHF350.-, a sewing machine around CHF550.- and a mobile kitchen (as that of the image above) approximately CHF650.-.
 Donate  for the coups de pouce »

The stands :

We still look for volunteers for the stands of Saturdays, 15, 22 and 29 November and 6-7 December 2014. It is a question of offering a day of your time for a good cause. The volunteers will recieve a voucher for a pizza or cinema!
Cuddly fluffs corner :

We still have some place for several cuddy fluffs! Then, do not hesitate to make a sign to us if you “know” who would like to discover Ecuador! (Deparrture on December 13th)ous avons encore  de la place pour quelques peluches ! alors n’hésitez-pas à nous faire signe si vous en “connaissez” qui aimeraient découvrir l’Équateur ! (Départ le 13 déc.) 
The day quotation :

What you give belongs to you for ever. What you keep is lost for ever. 

Sufi proverb 
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