We sold LA FRITADA in two different places and dates, where people were able to taste this typical Ecuadorian dish, prepared by Mariana, Gloria and Kelly, and delicious desserts prepared by Constance.
Typical handicrafts from Ecuador and the “Trésor à Petit Prix” were present at our Sales Stands in October, November and December.
In addition, the teddy’s collectimg was very productive due to Angela, Katrine and also the Servette HC.
You make a living with what you get, but you build it with what you give. Winston Churchill
This year’s program took place in the city of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, the third largest city in Ecuador with a population of about 500,000 inhabitants. The climate is pleasant, tropical, with a temperature that varies between 23° and 32°C all year round.
We had the privilege of receiving logistical assistance from the 67th “Montúfar” Combat Engineer Battalion, led by its commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Luis Pinto Arcos.

We visited vulnerable neighbourhoods in Santo-Domingo de los Tsáchilas, whose socio-economic level affects the development of children in particular, but also makes life very difficult for senior citizens.
Although, the climate and land are ideal for abundant agricultural production, many families live in extreme poverty.
All the morning of December 24th, we set up to be able to receive the guests in the afternoon, sound, music, cuddly toys, baskets, chairs, meal, snack, etc. etc.
We distributed a total of 750 baskets and 600 teddy bears…
650 baskets at Casa de Retiros Juan 23
and we offer 100 baskets on the streets, to people who recycle, who keep cars, or who couldn’t make it to the program because of a health problem. The mayority of seniors who do this kind of work to adjust the month.
Also, we visited small churches in underprivileged neighbourhoods.
First of all, thank you for the welcome we received from each of the families, who opened the doors of their homes to us and shared their life stories amidst smiles and tears, which with our visit became hope.
To the volunteers in Switzerland: Alfredo, Bety, Constance, Danielle, Didier, Enrique, Françoise, Gloria, Mariana, Stefanny, Kelly, Vincent.
Volunteers in Ecuador: Alexandra, Geovanna, Verónica, Lady, Miguel, Santiago, Josue, Sebastián, Santi, Hernán, Mariana, Rosita, Cristina, Enrique, Natasha, Emily, Mikela, Sergio, Emilio, Esteban, the volunteers of the Luz del Mundo church and the military…
To Mr. Caponne and the Management of Migros Vaud for the welcome they gave us in their establishments
and above all a big thank you to all the sponsors who made this possible.
Thank you all!
Your words say what you pretend to be, but your actions say what you really are.
While we were visiting the neighborhoods we met Esteban, a father of four girls, who also takes care of his parents and other family members to cover his expenses, he and his wife work selling food in a small mobile kitchen. Unfortunately, their kitchen was deteriorated and they could no longer continue with this activity. We have remodeled his kitchen and modernized it to make it more functional and adapted to his activity
you can also watch the latest short film of the association.