The year 2015 starts strong with a magnificent concert at the Red Church of Neuchâtel, February 12, with Vivace chorus of Lausanne and its talented choeuristes and musicians, who beautifully sang two great classical pieces, Bach’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Requiem. Thank you to Christophe Gessenex, its director and the entire choir for offering generously the general representation to the association.
Thank you to Sandra Eggenschwiler and Vallon Voyages for the provision of two buses needed to transport the artists from Lausanne. To the Catholic parish of Neuchâtel as well as to the city’s authorities for the loan of the Basilica Notre Dame, to Jean-Paul Wuillemin sacristan and Damien Savoy, artistic director of the Basilica of concerts. And a big thank you to the great team of volunteers (left to right) Lucio, Bety, Abigaël, Angela Kelly, Vincent and Luis Carlos.
Luis Castellon Bone was also in the game. At 93 years old Luis made his first plane trip, Quito-Geneva to come visit us in Switzerland and forget the precarious conditions in which he spent the last Fifteen years. Luis deserved to regain some dignity and this trip to Switzerland allowed it to happen. Back in Ecuador, a place in a home for the elderly was waiting for him to finish the last years of his life quietly and humanely.
A professional service
A great team in the kitchen
Many thanks to the kitchen staff: Adriana, Alexandra, Amilcar, Betty, Carole, Caroline, Line, Lucia, Luis Carlos, Mariana, Michelle, Pablo and Sereina. |
Immeasurable thanks to the Mayor of Oulens-sous-Echallens, Mr. Tille and the village’s municipality to make us available the Great Hall, as well as the École Hôtelière de Lausanne for his collaboration via its intranet site to help us finding volunteers among the EHL students -for an owsome service.
The VIP corner
The folk danse
Thank you to the children who participated: Abigaël, Aurélie, Jean-Baptiste, Mateo, Noah and Olivia and their parents for their precious time dedicated to the rehearsals.
Thank you to Serge Bridy for the nice pictures !
The next edition will take place Saturday, July 2, 2016 ! Already save the date and come along and support us with family and friends !
In 2015, on the initiative of Constance Braissant, the association English Speaking Lunches decided to support ‘Un panier pour Noël’ by donating the profits from sales of books, cards and jams to the association. The English Speaking Lunches meets every last Wednesday of the month at the parish hall of Goumoens-la-ville, around a good homemade soup, a piece of cheese and a glass of wine while conversing in English. The atmosphere is very warm and anyone who wants to learn English or just to practice is welcome to lunch.
A remarkable thank you to the team of the English Speaking Lunches for their generous support and for the nice bed-sheets recollected for the home elderly Santa Ana San Joaquin!
“The stands are there to make the association known about and to collect donations for the Christmas basket’s project in Ecuador. The work takes place over a day and consists primarily of distributing flyers. It’s a job that does not require a prior experience and all volunteers are welcome.”
In 2015, we held the stands in the Migros-Renens, OBI –Renens, Migros-Bergières in Lausanne and Migros-Cugy on Saturdays 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of November as well as in the Autogrill restauroute of Bavois on the 5th and 6th of December.
Thanks to the Migros centers and to M.Cappone, manager of the Autogrill Bavois.
And a huge thank you to the volunteers: Adam, Antoinette, Audrey, Bety, Constance, Didier, Elena, Line, Markus, Philippe and Yvonne for their dedication to the stands.
Christmas 2015 is realized in the city of Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas. We invite the most disadvantaged families in suburbs named: Ciudad Nueva, Carlos Ruiz Borneo, Cristo Vive, Plan de Vivienda, urb. Sta Rosa, coop.Padre Familia, coop. Ideal, urb. Zambrano, urb. Porton del Rio, Mercado Central, Toachi, El Camal, Terminal Terrestre, to a big Christmas party.
A warm thank you to the family of Pastor Joel Féderman Yatte as well as Julie, Santiago, Maria, Miguel, Nancy, Natasha and Mikela for their hand.
The distribution of tickets
December 27th, the baskets…
On December 27 we receive two thousand guests at the Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII in Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas, for a merry Christmas party. We distributed 700 baskets and around 200 teddies to the children and later 50 baskets in Costa Azul. Thank you to Fernando Chávez, the president of the Movement Juan XXIII, who lent us the place. Once more we could count on the help of the Ecuadorian army; to this end we thank Lieutenant Colonel EM Santiago Chango Garzón, commander of the infantry battalion 67 Montufar.
A grand thank you to Adam and Audrey, Angela Recchia, Elisabeth Clavel, Elsa and Zacharie as well as to the association English Speaking Lunches for the huge amount of teddies recollected. The kids were really delighted to receive them!
50 baskets plus 30 teddies in Costa Azul
” I dreamed that life was just lovely.
I awoke and discovered that it was a service.
I served and I found that the service was only joy. ”
Rabindranath Tagore
A room for Luis in the home for elderly
The ‘coup de pouce’ of the members
A humble thank you to Sister Marianne, director of the home for elderly Santa Ana San Joaquin in Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas, agreeing Luis while the number of residents was complete.
A mobile kitchen for Angelica, direction Salinas…
The ‘coup de pouce’ from Barbara and Kevin Smith
Thank you to the volonteers in Ecuador |
To the recruits from Infantry Battailon 67 |
To the police officers of the ‘Rosales’
(from left to right) to Kelly, DJ man, Sergio, Nancy, Mikela, Natasha, Abigaël, Julie, Maria, Santiago, Joel, Jazmin, Dayana, Aparicio, Vincent and Dario; (are not on the picture) Federmán, Roberto and Miguel.
Thank you to the 2015 sponsors |
Thanks thanks thanks, to everyone!