Firstly, we would like to thank the volunteers who gave their time and energy, sometimes until the exhaustion to assume the magnitude of the task, rich in new experiences, for the only purpose of helping the most disadvantages families in Ecuador. Through their commitment and with their enthusiastic and harmonious work, all the organized activities happened very well. Congratulations and thank you again!
Activities in Switzerland
Charity Dinner on August 23, 2014 at the Great Hall of Oulens, where guests were able to discover the “Fritada”, a typical Ecuadorian dish made from pork, but not only… there were also alphorns, typical Ecuadorian dances, thoroughbred horses, an introduction to “zumba” dance, a concert of singing and piano … well, all sorts of entertainment, for everyone to find his pleasure..
The “Zumba” time with “Junior” |
The Team of João Branco from the Haras Lusitania
The “Quator de la Bergère”
DJ Stefano |
?Aurélie Fornerod and Abigaël Roulin with the poneys of the Grand’s family |
Micheline Ravenel (singer) and Willy Oberhänsli (piano) |
Line Gäumann |
Martine Oberhänsli always ready to help
Jean-Paul Roulin who serves the welcome snack |
Ana inspired in the kitchen |
Rose Hennard and Béatrice Roulin |
Willy and Antoinette Annen from Gollion who offered the pig. Thank you to Daniel and Janine Annen as well. |
Patrick Perroud who was in charge of cutting the pig |
Volunteers’ team: (from left to right since on the top row) Elsa Ortiz, Zoé Girod, Audrey Charles, Magalie Halt, Bety Zuodar, Kelly Roulin, Vincent Roulin, (bottom row) Aurélie Fornerod, Alexia Girod, Adam Rumny, Abigaël Roulin and the cat. |
Thanks to the Pollen’family (Michel) from Assens for the corn, to Jean-Paul Roulin for the home-made “apple”, to Philippe Bovet for the vine and for the price of the Tombola, to Phillipe Guignet for the wonderful photos, to the Municipality of Oulens, as well as all the sponsors of this charity dinner 2014 who were fabulous and who dazzled this event:
Concert at Morges, on November 30th, with the sisters Porret, the Ministrings, Abigaël Roulin and the brothers Guérin, an unforgettable moment in the magnificent Temple of Morges, by the lake, where each one brought the personal touch to beautify this evening.
?The sisters Porret |
The Ministrings |
Tina Strinning |
Abigaël Roulin |
The brothers Guérin |
Volunteers’ team: (from left to right on the top row) Adam Rumny, Lucio Zuodar, Magalie Halt, Christiane Reymond, Stéphane Egli, Angela Recchia, Mario Recchia, Stefano Blumauer, Luis Carlos Garcia, Vincent Roulin, Serge Bridy, (bottom row) Audrey Charles, Charlotte Blumauer, Abigaël Roulin, Léa Maloum. Is not on the photo Enea Blumauer. |
With the special thanks to Serge Bridy for the photos of the concert, to the Heritage Department of the city of Morges, to the parish of Morges-Echichens as well as all the sponsors :
|,,,,,,, La Cantina à Morges,,,,,,,
The stands of information in the shopping malls of the region, which allow us as every year to make known the association and to meet people by proposing them the Ecuadorian crafts and product of the region (thanking to Mme Braissant for the home made jam)
Stand at Autogrill highway restaurant of Bavois : (from left to right) Patricia Cosanday and Yvonne Gagnebin |
Marco Giotto and Adriana Venitus at Bavois |
Amilcar Rodriguez on the stand at OBI Renens |
Distribution of 200 baskets in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchillas on December 21st, 2014 at « Casa de Retiro Juan XXIII » who for the second time opened us his doors warmly.
Volunteers’ team which loads the goods at store Aki of Sto-Domingo |
The preparation of the baskets
Marco distributes a ticket to an itinerant salesman in the streets of Sto-Domingo |
Abigaël distributes a ticket to a shoeshine boy and explains to him where and when is going to take place the distribution |
The 21 in the afternoon, everybody was there! |
for the distribution of 200 baskets |
the distribution continues … |
and still … |
up to the last basket… |
At the exist, Rosita takes back a Grandma. |
Volunteers’ team at Santo Domingo |
The distribution of 500 baskets at Montecristi on December 26th, 2014. Montecristi is a city situated in the province of Manabí famous to be a top-place of the manufacturing of Panama hats. Opposite photo a view of Montecristi with the magnificent Basilica Monserrat in the center and the buildings of the Assembly Constituent at the top of the hill.
Ingo Lutz distributes a ticket to a person of the third age in a shanty town of the suburb of Manta |
Fernando invites an other one |
Gabriel gives a hand to us for the distribution, which in the end will extend in a 20 km beam around Montecristi. |
We shall put three days in all to distribute 500 tickets in the most disadvantaged districts as “Pepa de Uso”, “la Sequita”, “Pozo de la Savana*, but also to the Central Market of Manta, to the Tarki Market and in the suburb of the same city….
Abigaël is of course of the part of |
so do Keila |
Thanks to Colonel Angel Orellana, Commandant of the Naval Base of Jaramijó, who gave us the soldiers and a truck to pass six tons of goods from the Supermarket Grand Aki of Manta to the Basilica Monserrat of Montecristi.
26 in the dawns, we prepare the baskets in the Basilica. Thanks to Father Angel who has opened us his doors and who has accommodated us with a lot of enjoyment and a big hospitality. |
A little later people already queue up in front of the Church to come to celebrate Christmas “in family”.l
The Basilica fills very fast, only those who received a ticket can enter, with an accompanying person. |
Seen from the chorus of the Church |
The traditionals Christmas carols |
The Santa Claus |
The happy children with their cuddly fluff which arrived directly from Switzerland, thanks to Line Gäumann and to Angela Recchia who carefully harvested them.
And then, we pass to the distribution of 500 baskets |
For the first time, we substitute the chicken by a simple card containing a $6 credit for the purchase of a chicken, what constitutes a big improvement for the basket….
The party is made a success ! |
The Church is crammed! |
At the exit, even there the servicemen help to enforce the order.. |
People leave with their happy… |
basket ! |
Volunteers’ team for Christmas in Montecristi : in green the sailors of the Naval Base Jaramijó, in white (in the front row, from left to right) Kelly, Ingo, Abigaël, Keila, Fernando, Miguel, (middle row) Santiago et Ruth, (upper row) Vincent et Mario |
All this is possible because of your support, your generosity and your desire to share your Christmas dinner with disadvantaged families. Our award, it is their smiles.
“A smile is a secret key which opens many hearts”
Robert Baden-Powell
Thank you and see you soon!