As every year your donations were used 100% for the baskets

It was November 10, 2013, at St. Étienne Temple in Moudon, the church was packed to come and listen to the chorus of schoolchildren from Moudon, the Cabaretto Trio and also the Crisinel family! It was an amazing evening!
Special thanks to the City of Moudon for the provision of the temple.
The concert began with les Notes Magiques, the chorus of schoolchildren from Moudon, a supergroup of very talented boys and girls! Thank you to the children and their director Florence Berger, and Francine Vuagniaux at the piano.

It went on with cronies Cabaretto Trio! (left to right) Willy Oberhänsli, Jean-Christophe Jaermann and Pierre-André Schütz who led us in songs d’ici et d’ailleurs, words and music by Jean Villard-Gilles.

In the second part the concert started up again with the Crisinel family from Forel-sur-Lucens! (left to right) Pascal, Pierre-Daniel, Pierre-Alex, Flavie, and Jean-François who after their victory at un air de famille TV show did vibrate the walls of St-Étienne.

A big thank you to Willy Oberhänsli who put all his energy to organize this concert and make it a success!

Then came the time of the concert in the Collégiale of Estavayer-le-Lac, December 8, 2013, with the virtuoso accordionist Grayson Masefield, mixed choirs La Pastourelle, La Bergère and l’Écho du Suchet.
A special thanks to the Estavayer-le-Lac parish for the provision of the magnificent Collégiale.
Grayson Masefield was born in Auckland, New Zealand. His talent is recognized worldwide and has already won many prestigious competitions, including the title of world champion in classical and variety accordion class in 2009. Grayson gave us the great privilege to open this concert.

Then it was the turn of mixed choirs l’Écho du Suchet from Rances and La Bergère from Orbe to perform.
Both choirs sing together for three seasons and form a large choir of fifty members, led by Corinne Tschumi.
Followed the voices of singers of the Pastourelle, the mixed choir of the village of Cheyres and its director, André Denys.
The Pastourelle serves a repertoire ranging from the Renaissance to the French song, from classical to gospel and Christmas songs, but above all it is a chorus that echoes of songs and friendships since 1967.
Thanks to André Denys for organizing this wonderful concert at Estavayer!
Five stands to raise funds were held on weekends from November to December 2013, in the OBI malls in Renens, the Migros in Cugy as well as the Autogrill in Bavois. A big thank you to the volunteers who gave, as every year, some of their precious time on the stands, beautifully!
" For the good, the action is more than the intention "
Spanish proverb
Ecuador, December 2013.
This year we start the project in Quito, the capital, which rises at 2'850m in the heart of the Andes. Quito was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978 for its wonderfully preserved colonial architecture. The city is very close to the zero latitude (the line of Ecuador) and is surrounded by volcanoes Pichincha, Cayambe and Cotopaxi which gives it a unique setting.


The distribution of Christmas baskets will take place in Quito local church Cordero de Dios in the neighborhood of La Floresta.
We invite people from the neighborhoods : Villamaría, La Guadalupana, El Guabo, Matilde Alvarez, Guamani, Guapulo, La Floresta, La Vicentina, av. 10 De Agosto, av. La Patría, av. Colón, av. Amazonas, La Carolina, La República, El Ejido, Sta Clara, El Centro Hístorico, av. Eloy Alfaro, El Comité del Pueblo to come and collect a basket Saturday, December 21, 2013.



On 21 December 2013, the distribution in Quito
After got a puppet show and a nice play (directed by Joselito, his family, Luis and Abigaël) 320 children present received a gift from Santa Claus who had made ??the trip just for them.

Warm thanks to pastors Zenón Rivera and Ramiro Padilla from the Ministerio Cordero de Dios for lending us their premises.
We distributed 300 baskets that day.





Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas
After Quito, we descend to Santo Domingo de los Tsachillas, the fourth largest city located in the tropical zone 3hours drive from Quito.
We visit the neighborhoods : Laura Flores, 16 De Marzo, Luz Del Día, Sta Marta, Virgen Del Cisne, La Vengala, Juan Eulogio, 29 De Mayo, av. Quito, 3 De Julio and we distribute tickets for December 26.


On 26 December 2013, the distribution in Santo Domingo
It was Children's Day! With many teddies brought from Switzerland, among others. That day we had gifts for 465 children! (225 teddies + 180 balls + 60 Huesitos = small cushions bone shaped).
It was extraordinary! The larger teddies were distributed to disabled children and there was just the right amount, it was amazing! They had a great impact on children.
The distribution took place at the Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII.



Thank you to Charlotte and Valentine, Elsa and Zacharie, Claude Arnaboldi and José, Nicole Perroud and to choir of La Pastourelle for the teddies.
To Patricio Rodríguez for the huesitos!
And to Roland Zanolari for the small balls!


But that day it was also a celebration for the adults with 300 baskets distributed! Wow!


THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible !


Useful links :
and… appointment in December 2014 !
for more info about the association : http://www.unpanierpournoel.com/home.en.aspx
Fiduciary BMT in Échandens : http://www.bmt-fiduciaire.ch/
Grayson Masefield : http://www.accordions.com/gmasefield/
Printing plant DaPrint in Orbe : www.daprint.ch
AgenceWeb (Internet solution, referencing, web marketing, and more) : http://www.agenceweb.com/
Fiduciary Cofirev in Bière : http://www.cofirev.ch/
Danse studio AliaSalsa : http://aliasalsa.ch/